What Are the Body Parts of an Elephant?

The body parts of an elephant include the trunk, tusks, teeth, ears, legs, skin and a tail. In common with all vertebrates, they also have skeletons and internal organs. Elephants also have a brain that is four times the size of a human brain, making it the largest brain of any known land animal.

Elephants use their trunks for many tasks, including picking up objects, pouring water into its mouth, breathing under water and pushing over trees. An elephant’s trunk contains over 40,000 muscles, and it is able to hold 4 liters of water. Tusks are long teeth, with a third of their length residing inside an elephant’s skull. Tusks are found in male and female African elephants but only in male Asian elephants. They can be used as a weapon or a tool, for tasks such as carrying objects and digging.

Elephants are born with four teeth, and elephant teeth are pushed forward as they become worn down. These are then replaced with new teeth until the last molar is worn down. Elephant ears are used for hearing and regulating the elephant’s body temperature. Elephants walk on the tips of their toes, and their foot structure makes it easy for them to walk in mud. In most areas of the body, elephant skin is very thin and sensitive.