What Are Some Adaptations of Eagles?

Eagle adaptations include keen eyesight, specially designed feet, sharp beaks and large wings. An eagle has especially sharp eyesight that enables it to find prey scurrying along the ground.

An eagle’s eyes are specially adapted for hunting. Not only does it have excellent vision, but its eyes are shadowed by a bony ridge that keeps the sun from glaring into them.

An eagle’s feet are also highly adapted with sharp talons and spicules. The bottom of an eagle’s feet have little bumps, or spicules, on them that increase traction so that they can hold onto struggling prey. Sharp talons help the eagle to grab prey while hunting and tear apart flesh during feeding.

Part of the eagle’s adaptations includes its beak, which is also important for feeding. The beak tapers down to a sharp, hooked point that helps it tear apart the flesh of its prey. One adaptation lies in the digestive system. When the eagle swallows small prey whole, it later regurgitates the parts of the animal that it cannot digest, such as the bones.

The eagle is well-adapted to flying because of its large wingspan. Its wings catch air currents, and the eagle soars through the air while looking for prey. This soaring keeps the eagle from wasting energy by repeatedly flapping its wings.