How Do You Install Metal Window Well Extensions?

The installation instructions of metal window well extensions are dictated by local building codes, and general installation instructions are provided with the purchase of a specific well extension or may be available online in PDF format from websites that offer metal window well extensions for sale, such as Monarch Materials Group. Most retailers offer professional installation or do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions.

Well extensions are sometimes necessary to establish an egress safety exit in a underground basement. Extensions offer a homeowner a customized solution to accommodate a variety of depth issues in a basement window. Extensions for a window well come in a many different materials including plastic and metal with additional aesthetic options, such as a brick or quartz finish.

Instructions for installing a window well extension are available online. In order to view the instructions, do-it-yourselfers should go to the specific website, and then click on the desired extension and view instructions. For example, users can visit the website and select the Accessories link from the Shop By Product list on the home page. They can then select the well extender and from the product page, and then click on the Installations Instructions link.

Installation instructions may vary by manufacturer, but they generally include recommendations for proper measuring and installing of the extension and the tools an materials needed for best results.