What Causes Your Equilibrium to Be Off?

Equilibrium, or balance, problems may be caused by vertigo, inner ear infections and conditions, Meniere’s disease, some medications, head injuries, tumors and blood pressure problems, explains Healthline. A doctor’s assessment is necessary to pinpoint the cause of equilibrium-related symptoms.

Individuals with equilibrium problems often report feeling dizzy or as if the room around them is spinning. In severe cases, they may find it difficult to walk without falling down, notes Healthline. Other symptoms associated with balance problems are disorientation, concentration problems, depression, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and blurred vision. The process of seeking a diagnosis for balance problems may include performing several diagnostic tests, such as laboratory tests, imaging scans of the brain, an eye movement test or a hearing test.

The treatment of an equilibrium problem varies depending on its underlying cause, explains Healthline. Surgery of the vestibular system can help address balance problems related to Meniere’s disease. Antibiotics may be prescribed if the cause is an ear infection, while many different medications exist that can help address the symptoms of a balance issue. The Epley maneuver is a technique some patients are able to perform at home to reduce their dizziness. Sometimes, no cause for the equilibrium problem can be found, in which case a doctor may still have advice on how the patient can minimize the risk of injury.