What Is the Target Market Profile of Gatorade?

The target market profile groups that Gatorade focuses on are athletes and teenagers. Gatorade is designed for athletes because it replenishes the body with electrolytes and carbohydrates before, during and after an intense workout.

Gatorade’s new G series includes three phases: Prime, Reform and Recover. The first phase, Prime, is fuel for everyday athletes. It is designed to be taken before an intense workout or game. It provides carbohydrates, performance fuel and energy.

The second phase, Reform, is designed to rehydrate, refuel and replenish lost electrolytes and carbohydrates during a game or workout. The final phase, Recover, provides the body with protein to help rebuild muscles and prepare for the next day’s workout.

Although Gatorade’s main target is athletes, the company is doing more to promote the drink to teenagers who have perceived the drink as something that only their parents would drink. Gatorade’s G series was designed specifically with teenagers in mind.

Gatorade also has an adult series called G Series Pro, which focuses more on personal trainers, marathon runners and elite athletes. This series is sold at specialty sports stores.

Gatorade is the must-have drink for most athletes. It is the official sports drink of the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball.