How Do You Search for Freight Carrier Codes?
You can find the Standard Carrier Alpha Code for a freight company at An alphabetized list of the most common SCAC codes is available at
To find a freight carrier’s SCAC code at, click the SCAC Code Lookup by Name tag in the navigation menu on the right side of the main page. In the SCAC Name search box on the next page, enter the name of the carrier to view the code. If you know the code but need the name of the carrier, select the SCAC Code Lookup by Code tag on the main page, then enter the carrier name in the search box on the following page.
At, click on SCAC codes in the navigation bar at the bottom of the main page to bring up a list of SCAC codes for many of the most common freight carriers around the world.
The National Motor Freight Transportation Association developed SCAC codes in the 1960s to help standardize computerization in the transportation industry. SCAC codes are required when doing business with U.S. government agencies and with many governments, organizations and companies across the world. SCAC codes are unique and typically consist of two to four capital letters.