What Are the Salaries of CFL Players?

As of today, the average salary for a CFL player is $91,071 Canadian dollars (CAD) per season. The salary cap for each team is $5.1 million. The minimum player salary is $52,000, increasing by $1,000 per year until 2018. The salary cap increases by $50,000 per year until 2018.
The highest paid players in the CFL have been quarterbacks. Anthony Calvillo, playing for Montreal, had a maximum salary of $400,000 for the 2012 season. Ricky Ray, playing for Toronto, also had a maximum salary of $400,000. Drew Tate, playing for Calgary, had a base salary of $200,000 and a maximum salary of $300,000.
After the 2014 CFL labor dispute was settled, veteran players received signing bonuses of $7,500, and rookie players received signing bonuses of $1,500. For the 2014 season, the CFL began a five-year television deal with TSN, worth approximately $42 million per year. Other television partners of the CFL include RDS, ESPN and ESPN2.
The CFL was founded on Jan. 17, 1958, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Today, the league has a 20-week regular season, with each team playing 18 games and having two bye weeks. The playoffs include a divisional semifinal and final. The season concludes with the top two teams playing for the Grey Cup.