What Are the Parts of an Application Letter?

Photo Courtesy: Scott Graham/Unsplash

The main parts of an application letter include the address section, heading of the letter, the opening paragraph stating the reason for writing a letter, the main body and the closing paragraph. In some cases, an applicant may add a paragraph that expresses gratitude for being considered. The letter must have a paragraph explaining the skills and reasons that qualify the candidate for the position.

The applicant includes an address and contact information on the upper right-hand corner of the letter in the indented format. The addressee’s name, title, department, company name and address are on the left part below the applicant’s address.

The opening paragraph must state the reason for applying the job. The second and third sections form the main body of the letter. The applicant sells himself to the addresses in these paragraphs. In this part, an applicant cites the highest qualification and the reason for changing jobs. In the third section, an applicant matches the skills and experience with those required by the potential employer. The closing paragraph must indicate the applicant’s desire to be invited for an interview.

It is important to write about availability and willingness to work with the company. The application letter shows the applicant’s enthusiasm and passion for the job.