What Is the Organizational Structure of Microsoft Corporation?

Microsoft Corporation features a divisional organizational style that allows each of its business sectors to operate independently of one another while still reporting to a central command. Various portions of infrastructure like retail, development and support are all part of the enterprise landscape. Microsoft uses a horizontal management landscape to minimize communication interference.
Microsoft Corporation separates its various functions to promote better oversight of these operations. Facilities, retail, research and development, networking and operations and support are some of the main divisions of the company’s organizational structure. Creating a unique, horizontally delineated management infrastructure for each of these branches makes it easy for everyone in each of these departments to communicate rapidly and freely with others in their line of work.
This method of organizational structure also generates ease of access to those at the top of the organization. Microsoft Corporation prides itself at promoting open engagement between its customer-facing personnel and its upper corporate management. This helps boost loyalty and retention while showing everyone in the company that they are an essential part of the team. This scenario also enhances control over individual operations and projects, thereby bringing about the highest possible chance of success no matter the challenge.