How Do You Order Melaleuca Products?
Order Melaleuca products through the company’s online product store. Log into or request an online account, where you can shop 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Shoppers can also call the company’s 800 number to make purchases or fax in requests. They can also mail in orders.
To become a member of Melaleuca, consumers need to contact the person who referred them to the service or contact the company directly by calling 800-522-3172. The next step is to create an online account on Members of Melaleuca can request an online account by entering their phone number and email address. Clicking the link in the email that arrives after entering this information takes members to a page where they can create a secure password for their account, states the Melaleuca website.
Melaleuca is a wellness company that started in 1985 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The company’s CEO is Frank L. Vandersloot, who has helped the company generate more than $1 billion in revenue. The company is international, with a business reach in countries such as China, Korea, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In additions to providing wellness products to consumers, it also provides business opportunities to interested buyers.
Melaleuca has a myriad of products ranging from vitamins and supplements, weight loss aids, facial and dental care products, and essential oils. The company specializes in concentrated products that require less water to make, less fuel to ship and less plastic to package. Its household cleaning products are nontoxic and devoid of harsh chemicals. Other wellness items sold by Melaleuca include gluten-free and kosher foods.
As of 2015, their online product store offers additional savings through its Web-only specials and outlet store.