How Do You Obtain Your Bob Evans Paycheck Stubs?

To obtain Bob Evans paystubs, a person must be a Bob Evans employee with valid credentials. Bob Evans uses its own employee site, “Benet,” as a portal where workers go to obtain documents like pay stubs and W-2’s, track hours, update personal information and access other employee-related tools. To log in, employees enter their employee ID and password. The password for first-time users is the word “password” followed by the last four digits of the employee’s social security number.

As part of the Benet Intranet site, “BeingMyBest” is the employee portal that allows employees to access not only their pay stubs, but also their medical, dental and 401k benefits information. This site requires additional authentication of employee identity, and the employee must have a valid email address.

Employees new to the system must log in for the first time using their social security number as a username and their date of birth as a password. Once logged in, the system prompts the employee to change this username/password combination into something else of his choosing.

Founded in 1943, Bob Evans operates nearly 600 restaurants in 19 states nationwide, and distributes products to all of the 50 states, as well as Mexico and Canada.