What Is a Nursing Paradigm?

According to Nursing Theories, a nursing paradigm is a pattern that shows the relationship between a person, the environment in which she lives and her health. A nursing paradigm is a concept that has developed over time from the beliefs and practices of professionals in the healthcare sector.

Along with principles of learning and nursing theory, this paradigm forms the core of nursing education, states the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay BSN program. The person or client is the community, family or individual. The person is a goal oriented, interpersonal and adaptive system that incorporates physical, social and spiritual spheres.

On the other hand, Nursing Theories describes the environment in which a person exists as having an important influence on overall well-being and health. This includes cultural, political and social influences. Nursing care involves monitoring and modifying the interaction of an individual with his environment.

The University of Wisconsin–Green Bay BSN program defines health as the connection of social, psychological, physical and spiritual aspects with oneself, the environment and with others. Health is the ability to meet self needs, resist stressors and express oneself in a productive and comprehensive way. Nursing involves one’s feelings, behaviors and interactions with the environment. It does not involve a set of tasks but often includes directly giving care, promoting the health of patient, managing and researching.