How Much Postage Is Needed to Send a Letter to Germany?
Sending a standard-size letter weighing 1 ounce or less to Germany from the United States costs $1.15. The cost of postage increases for heavier letters and letters sent in nonstandard envelopes.
The cost of each additional ounce or fraction thereof varies slightly. The first additional ounce costs 98 cents, for example, so postage for a letter weighing up to 2 ounces is $2.13. The next additional ounce adds 99 cents to the cost.
The post office applies a nonmachinable surcharge of 21 cents to international letters that have certain characteristics, such an aspect ratio of less than 1.3 or more than 2.5, excessive rigidity or a delivery address parallel to the shorter dimension of the letter. Information on postal rates is available at