How Much Did a House Cost in 1960?

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According to the United States Census Bureau, the average price of a house in the United States in 1960 was $11,900 in 1960 dollars. When adjusted for inflation, the median price of a house was $58,600 in 2000 dollars.

According to the United States Census Bureau’s data, the state with the most expensive median home price in 1960 was Hawaii, with a median house price of $20,900. Other states with high house prices included New Jersey, with an average of $15,600; the District of Columbia, with a median prices of $15,400; New York, with a median price of $15,300; Nevada, with a median price of $15,200; and California, with a median price of $15,100. The states with the least expensive average house prices in 1960 dollars included South Carolina, with a median price of $7,500; West Virginia, with a median price of $7,600; Oklahoma and Mississippi, with average home prices of $7,900; North Carolina, with a median house price of $8,000; and Tennessee, with an average house price of $8,300.

When adjusted for inflation to 2000 dollars, the United States Census Bureau’s data shows the average house price ranged from $37,000 for South Carolina to $103,000 for Hawaii. Between 1960 to 2000, Hawaii maintained the highest average house prices. The state with the lowest home prices varied by the decade.