How Do You Look up an MLS Number?

Find a Multiple Listing Service number by performing a search for a property that is for sale or rent. Real estate parcels are assigned MLS numbers when they go on the market.

  1. Narrow your search

    Choose the city, state, ZIP code, neighborhood or county for the location of a property on Click on the magnifying glass icon to perform the search. Narrow your options by inputting a price range, number of bedrooms and number of bathrooms. The more details you input with an initial search, the narrower your search becomes, leaving you with fewer properties to browse. Depending on the size of the city, town or county, just a few listings will appear versus several thousand homes.

  2. Examine the listings

    Sort listings by the newest, price reduced, lowest to highest price, highest to lowest price, featured tours, open houses or number of photos. Each page lists 10, 20 or 50 properties. Choose Next or a page number to jump to additional real estate for a particular locality.

  3. Pick a property

    Select a property by clicking inside listing’s rectangular box. The MLS ID number is at the bottom of the property under the Additional Details section. There is no standard format for an MLS number, nor is there a central database for all MLS numbers.