What Is Included in a Pre-Employment Physical Exam?

According to Physicians Now, a pre-employment physical exam can include a basic checkup, alcohol and drug tests, and mental health screenings. Pre-employment physical exams are done to determine whether or not an individual is suited for a job and to prevent future workplace injuries.

A basic checkup involves taking an individual’s weight, blood pressure, temperature and pulse, says Physicians Now. The health care professional might also ask about any medications, supplements or drugs the individual is taking. If the position is one that involves a high level of stress, the doctor or nurse may ask if the employee is experiencing symptoms of depression and how he handles stress.

The physical checkup can also involve testing range of motion, reflexes, the respiratory system and the heart, according to Physicians Now. Depending on the individual’s age, sex, current health and illnesses and previous health conditions, the tests might need to be altered.

Alcohol and drug tests are commonplace with positions that involve handling heavy or dangerous equipment and positions that have a degree of risk, states Physicians Now. These alcohol and drug tests can be carried out with a urine sample, blood test, mouth swab, breathalyzer or a strand of hair.

Once the exam is complete, the health care professional may make recommendations for vaccinations, medications or further tests, claims Physicians Now.