What Are Some Funny Phrases to Put on Car Wash Signs?

Some funny phrases to put on car wash signs include, “Cleaning up this town, one car at a time,” “If your car is not becoming to you, you should be coming to us,” and “You like it clean, we like it dirty.” The humor used on a car wash sign may come from wordplay such as puns, double entendres or rhymes, or pithy comments involving key car wash terms such as clean, dirty, suds, wax or shine.

A commercial car wash might want to consider using wordplay involving its business name as a form of branding. Examples of slogans taking this approach are, “Give it a sheen with Tidy Clean,” or “People ought to know when you Auto Glow.”

Other phrases remind drivers of the benefits of a clean car in a humorous way. Slogans such as, “We can help clean up your life,” and “You bathe weekly, so should your car,” grab the attention of drivers passing by and remind them that they need a wash.

Car wash owners may play on the time of year as well. A sign for late October is, “Trick or treat, our car wash can’t be beat.” And in the winter when sales may be a bit slower, the sign, “De-cember is the season to de-salt,” may help boost business.