How Do You Get a Federal Tax ID Number?

Use the IRS EIN Assistant to apply for a Federal Tax ID number, and receive it instantly. If you already have an ID number and are requesting another, you must apply by phone, fax or mail.

  1. Go to the EIN Assistant

    Go to the IRS website, hover over the Information For link and then select Businesses from the drop-down menu. Select Employer ID Numbers from the Business Topics menu on the left side, click the Apply for an EIN Online link near the middle of the page and then click the Apply Online Now link at the very bottom of the next page.

  2. Give your information to the EIN Assistant

    Start by clicking the Begin Application button. If you take longer than 15 minutes or don’t complete the entire form, you must start over again.

  3. Get your EIN

    See your EIN immediately after you submit the application, unless you are ineligible to apply online.