What Does Eligible for Rehire Mean on Job Applications?
On job applications, the question concerning eligibility for rehire is essentially one of a candidate’s relationship with a former employer. Companies simply state whether a former employee is competent and worthy of being hired back for any reason.
Certain criteria, such as voluntary resignation, retirement, maternity leave and termination of staff or faculty appointment, are often acceptable reasons for rehire. If employees are let go and leave on good terms with their former companies, they are deemed eligible for rehire, based on quality of past performance and positive contribution to the goals of the organization during their time of employment. Rehiring employees previously let go can be beneficial for employers as they know the individuals who they are rehiring, and know their strengths, weaknesses and level of performance. Rehiring former employees can also cut down on the financial costs of doing business as organizations then have to spend less money and time teaching new hires the skills their former employees already had. Sometimes, organizations suspend employees because of poor work performance, felonies and other inappropriate actions that negatively impact the productivity of the company or organization. These individuals are considered ineligible for rehire, and may face more challenges finding new work.