What Are the Duties of a Trustee at a Baptist Church?

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The primary duty of Baptist church trustees is overseeing the financial aspects of operating the church. Trustees also act as liaisons between the members of the church congregation and the church leaders, representing and articulating the congregation’s interests. If the church must elect members of a special committee or hire new staff, the trustee board is generally consulted first.

The financial duties of the trustee board involve making sure that the church can meet its annual financial goals. Trustees are consulted before the church enters into a contract or financial agreement, and they have the power to negotiate the salaries of church employees. One or two trustees are often given treasurer or accountant duties, and it is their job to prepare regular financial reports about the state of the church.

Baptist church trustees have duties related to the maintenance of the church property and ministry. They help develop new ministries and outreach programs, handle feedback and concerns for congregation members and work to promote church fundraisers and new classes or programs. Trustees also work to maintain the church buildings and property. They are often responsible for opening and closing the church before and after special events. They frequently oversee events held by organizations that are renting the church.