What Is a Link-Detached Property?

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A link-detached property or house is a term given to residential units that share no common walls with another house or dwelling. They are, however, typically linked together by a garage.

A detached home is considered a permanent dwelling, usually set on a separate lot and includes ownership rights to the land on which it is situated. Additionally, detached homes are almost always considered single-family homes, meaning all internal areas are shared and are in common. This is also referred to as a single detached dwelling.

In contrast, a typical linked house (also referred to as a terrace(d) house, terrace, row house or townhouse) consists of a row of identical or mirror-image houses that share the same side walls. Linked houses first originated in Europe during the 16th century and are considered medium-density housing.

Another type of housing, called semi-detached housing (often shortened to “semi” in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia) refers to pairs of houses built side-by-side as units sharing a party wall, usually in such a way that each house’s layout is a mirror image of its twin. While this type of housing is built throughout the world, it’s most commonly seen in the United Kingdom, Ireland or in post-war homes in Central Canada.