How Do You Contact Sedgwick Claims Management Services?

To contact Sedgwick Claims Management Services, go to, click the Contact link near the top-right corner of the home page, and select a contact method from the provided options. You can contact Sedgwick Claims Management Services through mail, email or telephone calls.

Alternatively, to contact a Sedgwick office in a specific state, go to the Contact page of the Sedgwick website, and then click the Find A Sedgwick office link located on the left-hand side of the page. On the new page, select a state from the provided map. Check the available Sedgwick offices within the selected state at the bottom of the map. Under each office, check the telephone number, physical address or other contact information.

Alternatively, go to the home page of YellowPages, type ”Sedgwick Claims Management Services” into the first search box, enter the location into the second search box, and then click the magnifying lens icon to begin the search.

On the new page, browse the search results, and select your preferred Sedgwick office. Click the More Info link to view additional information about the selected office such as opening and closing hours, telephone numbers, location and photos. Click on the Directions link to view the directions from your current location to the selected Sedgwick office.