How Do You Cancel Your Value Plus Membership?
Cancel your Value Plus membership by calling 800-475-1942. You can also cancel a Value Plus membership by sending a letter to Attn: Customer Service, P.O. Box 5265, Hopkins, MN 55343-2265. You can cancel your Value Plus membership online by visiting, or send an email to
Provell provides, administers and owns and operates Value Plus. Membership is optional, and members have the right to cancel membership at any time without incurring additional fees.
Value Plus shares its mailing lists with other companies and organizations. The company also requires a separate written request to remove your name and address from the mailing list. Send a letter to Mail Preference Service, P.O. Box 5265, Hopkins, MN, 55343-2265. Value Plus requires the subscriber number from the Welcome Letter when writing for customer service assistance.