How Can I Print My SSS Employee Static Information?

According to, in order to print out your SSS employee static information within the Philippines you need to register at MY SSS. After registering, log into your MY SSS account and click on Online Inquiry located on the home page. A page with your membership details and employee static information will appear with a print icon at the bottom. Select the icon to print out the page.

The information printed from the MY SSS website is accepted at embassies, which require the information to determine the viability of visa applicants from the Philippines. Other information that can be printed from the website include employment history, SSS actual premiums, SSS servicing branch, member details, and the SSS ID card. In order to print the actual premiums and contributions, select the “member info” tab at the top of your home page, then select “actual premiums” from the drop-down menu. In order to print your SSS employment history, select “employment history” from the same drop-down menu as above. The name of your employer, your reporting date, SSS ID Number, and employment date will appear on the screen. The print option is found at the bottom of the page. Any further enquiries should be directed to the SSS branch handling your membership.