How Can You Access Your W-2 Online From Tyson Foods?
Tyson Foods employees may access W-2 forms via the company intranet, which is accessible with a personnel number and personal identification number at, according to Tyson Foods. Additional options for obtaining a W-2 form include contacting a Human Resources manager or calling the Tyson Foods Helpline at 1-877-824-0707.
Some online tools including Turbo Tax are available that allow individuals to import W-2 forms directly from employers, according to the company website. Another W-2 importing website option is, which allows users to simply type in the name or code of the employer and conduct a simple search, states Equifax Workforce Solutions. This type of tool is offered for free on some websites, although purchasing a service is typically an option as well.
Under federal law, employers must send Copy A of an employee’s W-2 to the Social Security Administration each year, states Social Security. Employers also must send a W-3 form, which is a Transmittal of Income and Tax Statements. This allows employers to report the wages and taxes for an employee for the previous year.
Employers must give a W-2 to the employee, explains Social Security. Rules regarding W-2s include filing a W-2 for every employee who received income or had Social Security or Medicare taxes withheld.