What Is the Average Salary for a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader?

The average salary for a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader is $150 per home game. Each cheerleader has the opportunity to earn extra money at paid performances, though they are not paid for rehearsals or charity events.
Some value the prestige of being a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader over the salary. It is incredibly difficult to win a spot on the squad. In order to audition, a woman must be at least 18 years old, and have graduated high school or earned a GED. During auditions, judges focus on personality, poise, dance technique, the applicant’s figure, high kicks, splits and other factors. No one is guaranteed a spot as returning members of the squad must try out each year as well.
While considered a part-time job, a cheerleader is expected to attend two to five mandatory rehearsals per week until the season begins. Once football season starts, there is a set schedule of rehearsals held in the evenings, and rookies will need to attend extra weekend rehearsals. Additionally there are promotional appearances at stores, restaurants and other locations. While extra money may be earned at the promotional appearances, appearances at charitable events are unpaid.
On average cheerleaders earn $3000 per year for games and appearances. In contrast NFL mascots have a minimum salary of $23,000 per year. As a result, five cheerleading squads in the NFL have sued for better pay and benefits. As of today the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders have not filed a lawsuit.