What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication?

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Communication is a fluid process that has its advantages and disadvantages. Managing the communication process is the key to successful outcomes.

Communication is described as the process of transferring information from one point to another. For example, if someone has an idea for a project, the only way to relay it to another person is by communicating this idea. Sometimes the success or failure of a project idea starts at this initial communication phase. Projects are launched from a simple idea that is communicated to others and then carried out as a project. While this may be a straightforward explanation, communication is actually more complex. Today, human beings communicate in a myriad of ways. Communication allows people to achieve goals. However, sometimes communicating hit some snags and it then becomes a misunderstanding. It is important to navigate the delicate art of communicating in order for it to be advantageous. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of communication.

Understanding the Communication Process The communication process is a fluid one. Interpersonal communication involves two people exchanging ideas. When this happens face to face, it is advantageous because feedback happens instantaneously. Two people talking during a meeting are not just exchanging words, they are also exchanging facial expressions. In the previous example, where someone is relaying a project idea, the recipient of the idea is providing feedback through nonverbal communication while listening.

This is the very essence of the communication process. It is a back-and-forth process. Along the way, feedback is exchanged verbally and non-verbally. A good communicator knows the audience. Knowing the audience means that this communicator knows how to parcel information so that the audience understands it. When the audience understands information, they are be able to process it.

Advantages of Communication Communication has advantages. One advantage of communication is that it facilitates understanding. When someone transfers an idea to another, that person now understands what was in the mind of the first person. This communication of ideas is what facilitates many processes in society. The mission statement of a business is communicated to everyone who works there. All employees, in turn, use this mission statement to build ideas that promote the mission of the company. Another advantage of communication is that it increases efficiency. When someone communicates an idea to another, they are facilitating the achievement of a goal. If employees had to guess what each other was thinking, then a company would not be very successful.

Disadvantages of Communication Communication faces challenges when there are misunderstandings. One person may want to convey an idea to another. Yet if the other person does not perceive it as intended, then there will be a misunderstanding. Misunderstanding is the cause for many problems in society. If communication clarifies intent, then the chances for misunderstandings are reduced. Sometimes, misunderstandings happen when there are factors such as cultural and societal factors in play that sometimes misconstrue intent.

Managing the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Communication Process It is important to manage the communication process. Many people think that communication is a freewheeling process that just happens spontaneously. Nothing could be further from the truth. Businesses especially have to manage the communication process so that it is contained and that the proper intent is conveyed at all times.