What Is the Address for Bank of America?

The main mailing address for Bank of America’s corporate center as of May 2014 is: Bank of America Corporate Center, 100 North Tryon St., Charlotte, NC, 28255. The company has many divisions and locations, but this address is for general issues.

According to the Bank of America website, there are various mailing addresses for payments, most of which are in Wilmington, Delaware. Consumer card payments should be mailed to: Bank of America, P.O. Box 15019, Wilmington, DE, 19850–5019. Overnight deliveries, business card payments and some mortgage payments also go to Delaware, while other mortgage payments go to Dallas, Texas. There are specific mailing addresses for customer service issues such as student and military banking, insurance and foreign currency. Customers may find specific addresses in their location for these issues by visiting the Bank of America website under “Contact Us.”

According to Emporis, the Bank of America corporate building contains one of the largest secular frescoes in the world and is the tallest building in both of the Carolinas.