How Do You Access Your Pay Stub Through MyWalmart?

Walmart employees can not access pay stubs through myWalmart. To access pay stubs, employees need to go to Walmart’s secure pay stub portal via Money Network or go to WalmartOne. Walmart replaced myWalmart with these options to make payroll information more secure for employees.

To use the pay stub portal, first time visitors need their birth date, Walmart ID and facility number. The registration process guides them through setting up a PIN. After doing so, employees use it and the previously stated information to log in. They then view and print current and past pay stubs.

WalmartOne users register on their first visit with their birth date, Walmart ID, hire date and email address. Registration allows them to set up a user ID and password. Once this is done, visitors log in to view and print current and past pay stubs by looking under the heading Money>Paystub>View Paystub.

Walmart offers three other options for accessing pay stub information. Employees can sign up for text or email notifications using the online pay stub portal. Use of an in store FD300 pay stub delivery system allows them to print current pay stubs. Via an 800 number, employees use phones to hear pay stub information.