How Do You Access Your AAFES Self-Service Paystubs?

To access your AAFES self-service paystubs, visit, and log in using your Top Secret Security ID and password. Your TSS ID should be provided to you by your TSS officer.

For a list of TSS officers, access the TAO(EMC2) Bulletin Board of TSS-Security-Officer under the TSS Security Officers by Location. After obtaining your login information from a TSS officer, verify that the TSS ID contains a maximum of eight digits and the TSS password is comprised of five to eight characters, and sign in. After logging into the AAFES portal, access your payroll information, which is available in the main menu on your account.

If your login does not work, remember that the assigned TSS ID may begin with a “TS” or “Y,” and the TSS password should not begin with any numbers. If your TSS ID does not follow those guidelines, contact your TSS officer. Additionally, it’s required that the TSS password not contain special characters, identical back-to-back characters, computer terms, vulgar words or the user’s name.

If you are already registered on the website but forgot your password, contact HR through the number provided within the HR Support Center link under the login form. HR help lines vary according to your country of residence. If you are still unable to log in after performing the previous steps, make sure your browser’s cookies are enabled. Disabled cookies prevent users from successfully logging into the AAFES employee portal.