What Is Effective Listening?

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Effective listening requires that communication is heard completely and effectively interpreted into meaningful messages. It requires knowledge of the subject being discussed and attention to the speaker. Good effective listening skills demand that a person hears the message in full so that an applicable interpretation of the data is feasible.

Cultivating listening skills is essential for effective listening. This skill requires attention to detail and appropriate mindset be established when hearing someone speak. Things like posture and eye contact make a strong impression on the person talking and encourages that individual to keep going. A key responsibility of an effective listener is to make a good audience.

It is important to distinguish between hearing and listening. While everyone hears a vast volume of information every day, effectively listening to speakers and their content is a subjective matter. A person elects to listen instead of just hearing. Effective listening shows concern for the person speaking and expresses an interest in the matter at hand. It promotes a sense that both people are sharing a conversation rather than one talking at the other.

Effective listening requires patience. Letting someone finish a thought completely is critical for making an informed response. The best speakers are often the greatest at effective listening.