What Are the First Signs of Demonic Possession?

The first signs of demonic possession include behaving abnormally such as a high level of aggressive behavior from someone who is usually docile, as well as hysterical laughter, gibberish talking and signs of psychosis. To heal the possessed person, it must first be determined how much control the possessing ghost has on the person.

Demonic possession is a complex issue. Possession falls into three categories. Mild possession is when there is 25 percent control by the possessing ghost on the possessed person. Moderate possession is when that control extends to 50 percent and severe possession is when that control extends to 75 percent.

To heal the possessed person, a spiritual healer will be needed. A mild possession can be healed through a healer that is at a 50 percent spiritual level. In these cases, a spiritual person can typically speak to the possessed person in order to calm them down. A medium possession can be healed through a healer that is at a 70 percent spiritual level. In this case, a spiritual person may try speaking, although it is unlikely to work. For moderate and severe possessions, a more hands-on approach is needed. A severe possession can be healed through a healer that is at a more than 70 percent spiritual level.