What Plants Need Miracid?

Plants that need Miracid are those that require acidic soils with low pH levels of about 4.5 to 6. These include numerous types of flowers, shrubs, ferns, trees, berries and fruits.

Flowers that flourish in acidic soils include bleeding hearts, lily-of-the-valley, Dutchman’s breeches, bunchberry, Japanese iris, trillium, begonia, caladium, camellia and Jack-in-the-pulpit. Acid-loving shrubs include azaleas, rhododendrons, heath, hydrangea, holly, daphne, gardenias and viburnum. Among the trees that do best in acidic soil are the Colorado blue spruce, Canadian hemlock, mountain ash, magnolia, pussy willow, dogwood, beech and oak. Acidic soil is best for blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and grapes.

Plants that need acidic soil tend to have iron deficiency when the soil is too alkaline. Adding Miracid helps to lower the pH level and allows the plants to improve their ability to process iron and other nutrients. There are two methods to disperse Miracid. Foliar feeding involves using a sprayer and diluted Miracid solution to mist the leaves of the plants. In root feeding, the plants are watered with a hose and diffusion sprayer with diluted Miracid. Fertilizing acid-loving plants during the fall prepares them for winter nutrient storage and root growth, while fertilizing them every one to two weeks in the spring and summer encourages strong growth and prevents iron deficiency.