What Is the Treatment for a Strep Infection in the Bloodstream?

Treatment for group B strep in infants involves the use of intravenous antibiotics to kill the bacteria, explains Mayo Clinic. The doctor may recommend oxygen, intravenous fluids and other medications depending on a baby’s situation. Adults receive relief from using antibiotics. The type of antibiotic a patient uses depends on the severity and location of the condition. Pregnant women are likely to use oral antibiotics such as cephalexin and penicillin.

There are two types of strep infection: group A and group B, states MedlinePlus. Group B strep infection is responsible for causing bloodstream infections alongside other conditions such as meningitis and pneumonia. Pregnant women can undergo a screening test to determine if they have the condition. The reason for this condition in adults is not yet known as of 2015, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The signs and symptoms of group B strep in newborns usually appear in the first 24 hours of life, states MedicineNet. Symptoms may include fever, breathing problems, seizures, heart rate abnormalities and fussiness. Testing for group B strep involves taking a sample of body fluids, such as spinal fluid or blood, and sending it to a lab for analysis, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diagnosis occurs when bacteria grows from the sample.