What Are the Signs of Vitamin B Deficiency?

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The signs of vitamin B deficiency vary depending on the type of B vitamin that is lacking, but symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency typically include confusion, paranoia, anemia and tingling extremities, according to Healthline. Inadequate amounts of B6 can lead to skin problems and depression.

People who do not get enough vitamins B1 and B2 can experience cracking skin around the mouth and neurological issues such as unclear thinking. Insufficient amounts of vitamin B9 can manifest as gastrointestinal problems. Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency can also include stomach problems, bleeding gums, heart arrhythmia, weakness and pale skin, claims WebMD. Although a moderate deficiency of vitamin B12 may not cause measurable health problems to surface, prolonged deficiency can lead to more serious issues, especially problems associated with anemia.

Many factors can cause a deficiency of B vitamins. People who do not consume a wholesome diet or those who have certain diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, Graves’ disease or lupus, are at risk of developing vitamin B deficiencies, asserts WebMD. Individuals who drink alcohol excessively may not have sufficient amounts of vitamins B1 and B2. Vegans, extreme vegetarians and people who generally do not eat many servings of meat or dairy have a high risk of not getting enough vitamin B12, states Healthline.