What Are the Side Effects of Endoscopy?

The side effects of endoscopy may be cramping, bloating, increased gas and sore throat, as stated by Mayo Clinic. During the procedure, a person may feel pressure in the throat. In addition, the person is unable to speak, but may make noises.

Also called an upper endoscopy, the procedure is done to investigate the cause of heartburn, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, swallowing problems and stomach bleeding, according to WebMD. Similarly, doctors may perform it to examine ulcers, tumors and inflammation of the upper digestive system. A thin tubular device called an endoscope is inserted into the throat via the mouth. Its tip has a camera and a light for purposes of screening.

Doctors perform an endoscopy to examine the upper organs of the digestive system including esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, as explained by WebMD. Doctors believe the procedure is more effective in detecting growths and examining the digestive system than X-rays and other imaging tests.

A patient is required to tell the doctor, prior to the procedure, about any current medications as well as medical problems suffered, states WebMD. During the process, a patient lies on the back or side on a hospital table. Next, the doctor sprays an anesthetic in the mouth so that the throat is numb as the endoscope passes through it, according to Mayo Clinic. The process takes about half an hour, after which the person is discharged.