Why Is Religious Education Important?

Religious education is important because it equips students with cultural, social, moral and spiritual knowledge that aids in mental and physical development within society. The lessons learned in religious education prepare students for responsibilities, experiences and opportunities later in life.

Religious education assists students in forming values and beliefs that are reflected in behaviors and communication. For example, when approached with an ethical or moral dilemma, people with religious education can reflect on the teachings of the church to make a decision that is in line with their values and beliefs.

Religious education is also important because the information prompts people to challenge ideas and questions about their purpose in life, their beliefs about God and what it means to co-exist with others in a peaceful environment. The knowledge offers guidance for how to behave in line with religious traditions and world views of the church, and often prompts people to put others before themselves and give back to the community through financial, physical and social support.

Religious education teaches students about the history of the world through the eyes of Christianity, and encourages them to acknowledge and understand different values, traditions and religious beliefs that exist within various cultures. Many times, religious education also prompts people to evaluate issues of truth, ethics and faith within their personal lives.