What Is the Purpose of Going to School?

The main purpose of attending school is to receive an education that helps an individual throughout every phase of his life. Every day that a student attends school, he has the opportunity to learn something new that can change his life or the life of someone else. When a person obtains an education, they can teach other people and educate their children as well.

According to the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, the purpose of attending school has evolved over generations to meet the present needs of society. In modern times, a good education is the key to a better job and a higher standard of living for many people. Going to school equips a person to solve problems using acquired knowledge, and it allows one to pursue any career of their choice.

The importance of attending school varies depending on the nation that a student resides.

In the United States, education is of chief importance; it is against the law for children to not go to school. If a school-aged child or teen does not attend school regularly, then the parents can be fined or sent to jail, and the delinquent student may be sent to a juvenile facility. In underdeveloped nations, going to school does not carry as much importance. In many foreign countries, students are unable to attend school because of their religion, gender or lack of access to an educational institution.