What Is the Prognosis for Mantle Cell Lymphoma?
With mantle cell lymphoma, which is a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 69 percent of patients can expect to be alive five years after their diagnoses, and 59 percent are likely to be alive 10 years after their diagnoses, according to the American Cancer Society. However, the survival rate also depends on prognostic factors.
When using the international prognostic index, the factors are the patient’s age, the stage of the lymphoma, whether it has metastasized beyond the lymphatic system, how well the patient is able to perform day to day activities, and the blood levels of lactate dehydrogenase, or LDH, states the American Cancer Society. The more lymphoma in the body, the higher the levels of LDH.
Patients with good prognosis potential include those under 60 years of age, those with stage 1 or 2 lymphoma, and ones whose lymphoma has not metastasized outside of the lymph nodes or has spread to only one area outside of the lymph nodes, says the American Cancer Society. The patient can perform day-to-day tasks normally, and the blood levels of LDH are normal.
With bad prognosis factors, the patient is over age 60 and has stage 3 or 4 lymphoma, says the American Cancer Society. The cancer has spread to more than one organ, the patient needs assistance with day-to-day tasks, and his LDH is high.