What Is a Good Toast for a 60th Birthday?
The best toast for a 60th birthday is complimentary, concise and sincere. A speaker should not go overboard on the old-age jokes, according to Hallmark. Most 60 year olds are mature enough that they are not offended, but they still may not appreciate it.
One way to recognize a milestone birthday like 60 is to take the crowd back in time to when the birthday celebrant was young. Mention what was happening in current events, such as hit songs from teenage years, clothing fads or news stories. If possible, find the headline from the day the guest of honor was born.
Speak from the heart. When a person is asked to give a toast, it is likely that they are close to the birthday celebrant. Tell a carefully selected story or two about past times or experiences.
Mention the birthday person’s notable achievements. Pick a big one from each decade.
Be complimentary. It is best to avoid outright teasing because it is hard to pull off in front of a crowd and can be interpreted as rude or disrespectful.
The best toasts are concise. Be prepared, and do not ramble. Making the speech too long can lose the attention of the audience. If a speaker is volunteering to give the toast rather than being directly invited, it is particularly important to keep it short and complimentary.