What Are Some Examples of Good Thesis Sentences?

Examples of a good thesis sentence includes a summary of the writer’s arguments about the subject of the written piece. A good thesis sentence answers a question that the body of the paper answers and explains in greater detail. The sentence should provide the reader with an overview of what the writer is trying to convey in the rest of the paper.

Typically, to write a good thesis sentence, the writer must know ahead of time what the statement or question the writer intends to make in his paper. When a paper needs a thesis sentence, the question does not have to be one in disputed, but the supportive facts should be included to provide more credibility to the sentence.

If the document calls for a contrast between a few different subjects, the thesis sentence should outline the nature of the contrast and the method used to explain all points of the subject at hand. This is typically the method used when writing a persuasive document where the goal is to convince the reader to take one side over the other. The nature of the paper aside, a thesis sentence should be short and to the point. An overly vague sentence may not draw the reader in to commit to the rest of the document.