How Do You Dissolve Blood Clotting in the Brain?

Blood clots in the brain can be dissolved with medications such as thrombolytics and anticoagulants that prevent clots from forming, according to the American Society of Hematology. In some cases, a catheter-directed thrombolysis is surgically inserted to administer clot-dissolving medication.

In extreme cases, blood clots in the brain may need to be removed with surgery known as a thrombectomy, notes the American Society of Hematology. Thrombolytic therapy is the most common treatment to dissolve blood clots in the brain, explains WebMD. The treatment works to improve blood flow and prevent damage to organs and tissues. Thrombolysis typically involves injections through an IV line or a long catheter to the site of the brain that is affected. The medication is designed to remove the clot or break it into pieces to dissolve the clot.

Physicians monitor the progression of the blood clot with an ultrasound device. Since blood clots can be life-threatening, thrombolysis is typically used as an emergency treatment to prevent the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Treatment for blood clots in the brain pose some risks for patients, states WebMD. For example, thrombolysis may cause complications for patients using blood-thinning medication, experiencing high blood pressure or severe blood loss, or for those who had a recent surgery.