How Do I Take Care of Outdoor Hibiscus Plants?

Hibiscus plants prefer full or partial sunlight depending on climate. recommends that growers in hot areas provide partial sunlight, and those in Northern climates provide full sunlight. Hibiscus plants require adequate water to thrive and must be watered daily. Hibiscus plants growing in arid conditions should be watered twice a day.

It is possible to over water hibiscus plants, so they should be watered slowly and deeply, keeping the soil moist without soaking it or the plant. Yellowing leaves at the top of the plant or dropping leaves are signs that the plant is not getting enough water. If the leaves are yellowing near the middle or bottom of the plant, it is likely getting too much water.

Hibiscus plants are typically sold with slow release fertilizer in their soil, and this fertilizer feeds them for the first few months. After the first few months, feed the hibiscus plant a mixture of diluted liquid fish emulsion and seaweed, on a bi-weekly basis, recommends.

For steady production of flowers, recommends using a relatively shallow pot. Too deep of a pot causes the plant to exert too much energy producing roots, so the top growth and flower production suffer until the roots reach the bottom of the pot. Flowering is a sign that the plant is healthy.