How Do You Adjust a Sump Pump Float?

After turning off the electrical connection to the sump pump, unfasten the connector that holds the float to the cord, then add water to the sump pump hole until the pump is activated and adjust the cord until the pump turns off properly. The way that the float fastens to the cord will vary with different types of sump pumps.

A sump pump regulates the amount of water that is running into a building. Sometimes the cord that holds the float in the sump pump is too tight or too loose, which will make the pump never start or never stop pumping. To fix the float position in the pump, use the following directions.

  1. Disconnect the power to the pump and prepare to work
  2. Disconnect the power to the pump by unplugging the power supply. It is wise to wear rubber-soled shoes or boots so that there is no risk of getting shocked.

  3. Disconnect the float from the cord
  4. Unfasten the float from the cord that it is tethered to. The fastening mechanism will be different for different sump pumps.

  5. Turn on the pump and adjust the cord
  6. Pour water into the sump pump hole until the pump starts to activate. If the pump never turns on, then the cord needs to be tighter. If the pump never turns off, then the cord needs to be loosened. Adjust the cord until the pump turns on and turns off properly.