What Is the Classification of Computers According to Purpose?

General purpose computers and special purpose computers are two classifications of computers according to use. Not surprisingly, most computers are considered general purpose machines, since they are built for such a wide range of processing capability, explain byte-notes.com computer experts.

Various tasks can be completed on a general purpose computer by utilizing a variety of software. Tasks include controlling security systems, making calculations, manipulating facts in a database, writing and editing. Examples of such electronics include desktops, laptops, notebooks and smart phones. Such devices can store a variety of programs internally, though large amounts may result in compromises of speed and efficiency -depending on the amount of internal storage available.

Special purpose computers are task-specific and are generally used for one particular purpose in performing a single task again and again. Examples of this type of computer include traffic light control systems, navigational systems, digital watches and robot helicopters. Special purpose computers are built with a function of design to address a specific problem instead of utilizing stored programs. Since they perform a single function while using less memory and information, such computers often function faster than their general purpose counterparts. However, they are also less versatile and unable to perform a multitude of operations, states byte-notes.com.