Why Can You Feel Your Heartbeat in Your Throat?

A person feeling his heartbeat in his throat is likely experiencing heart palpitations, states MedlinePlus. Although usually not serious, strong emotions, physical activity, medications, hormonal changes and medical conditions can cause palpitations, explains WebMD. Abnormal electrolyte levels, dietary supplements, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol or illegal street drugs can also cause palpitations.

Anxiety, fear, stress and panic attacks can cause a person to feel heart palpitations in the throat, chest or neck, elaborates WebMD, as can strenuous exercise. Use of diet pills, asthma inhalers, decongestants and thyroid medication can lead to heart palpitations, and women undergoing hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy or perimenopause can experience heart palpitations. People who are dehydrated or who have anemia, thyroid disease, low blood sugar, low blood pressure or fever may develop palpitations.

Sometimes abnormal heart rhythm causes heart palpitations, notes MedlinePlus. Heart valve abnormality, heart disease, abnormal levels of potassium in the blood and low blood oxygen levels can cause irregular heartbeats. Some people experience heart palpitations following a heavy meal, states WebMD, particularly meals high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, sodium or monosodium glutamate.

MedlinePlus recommends consulting with a physician after experiencing heart palpitations to rule out serious medical conditions. Home treatment involves reducing intake of caffeine and nicotine, avoiding foods that trigger the palpitations, and managing stress and anxiety through methods such as breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. Patients who experience chest pain, sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath or loss of consciousness in conjunction with heart palpitations should seek emergency medical assistance.