Why Are Storage Granules Important to the Cell?

Storage granules are an important component of cellular metabolism in cells of the bacterial, eukaryal and archaeal domains, according to a 2011 article written by Toso et al. in Environmental Microbiology. These granules are the parts of the cell that store the cell’s energy reserves. Toso et al. also note that the analysis of storage granule’s organization inside the cell is lacking.

Storage granules facilitate metabolism by fueling the metabolic process. Metabolism is the result of the chemical reactions that take place within each cell of a living organism, and it provides energy for the important processes involved in synthesizing new organic material, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Storage granules are polyphosphate bodies that contain a large amount of phosphorous and oxygen. They also have increased levels of iron and magnesium. Toso et al. describes these granules as being asymmetric to their radial locations in relation to the cylindrical axis and uniform place at the cell’s ends. The positioning of the location is temporary and designed for the collection of polyphosphate into the storage granules. This positioning facilitates motility and division.

Storage granules are believed to house the cell’s food reserves, explains Biology-Online.org. The storage granules hold the cell’s reserve of glycogen or another carbohydrate polymer.