How Do You Make a Plumeria Plant Flower?


Encourage plumeria to bloom by providing adequate sunlight and plant food and avoiding too much water. Plant in pots for cooler climates or outdoors where temperatures remain moderate. As temperatures rise, the plant requires more frequent care. Cutting flowers for display in the home does not prevent the formation of more buds and flowers.

  1. Select a sunny location

    Plumeria are tropical plants that prefer full sun in most locations. Select a location for the plant where it receives at least six hours of sunshine every day to encourage flower production. Without adequate sunlight, the plant does not set the flowers.

  2. Feed every two weeks

    During the blooming season, plumeria are heavy feeders. Fertilize them with a low nitrogen, high phosphorous food.

  3. Avoid overwatering

    Water the plumeria once per week or when the top few inches of the soil are dry to the touch. The plant prefer its roots remain somewhat dry during the growing season.

  4. Watch for aphids

    Aphids are the only major pest that affects plumeria. Control them using insecticidal soap or by rinsing them away with water.

  5. Allow them to go dormant

    Plumeria grows more flowers the next season after going dormant for a period when temperatures drop. Move potted plants to a garage or basement when they start to drop their leaves. Stop feeding and watering the plants. Prune before new growth appears to encourage more growth and flowering.