What Are the Warning Signs of a Stroke?

The warning signs of a stroke include a drooping face, arm weakness and speech difficulties, states the American Heart Association. Immediate medical attention is required if one side of the person’s face is numb or drooping, if he has an uneven smile, if one arm drifts downward after being asked to raise both arms, or if speech is slurred and difficult to understand.

Sudden symptoms of a stroke include difficulty walking, numbness or weakness in specific body parts, a severe headache, dizziness and vision problems, according to Healthline. Emergency assistance is required as soon as possible, even if a person is only showing just one of the warning signs for stroke. Patients who are given a drug that dissolves blood clots within a few hours after spotting symptoms have at least a 30 percent higher chance of recovery without suffering from a major disability.

More than one-third of patients admitted to a hospital for stroke are younger than 65, explains MedicineNet. Gender and race are other factors that affect the risk of having a stroke, with an annual average of 55,000 more women experiencing the condition compared to men. Hispanic people and African Americans are also at greater risk for stroke compared to Caucasians. Those who smoke, have high blood pressure or have high cholesterol are more likely to experience a stroke.